
Our February Fundraising Partners
It's February and we're kinda in loveeee with our partners this month. As always, our partners receive 30% of any purchase made in their name. See a cause you love?Choose that partner's name at Checkout to help send them out...
Kelsey Smith - Haiti
What is one highlight from your experience on your venture?“I helped put on a professional development conference for over 40 Haitian teachers! I got to present 2 sessions at the conference for special education teachers, and I loved it so...
Susan Waggoner - Rwanda
What is one highlight from your experience on your venture? “It's hard to pick just one, but if I have to I would say going on home visits and getting to step into the lives of some Rwandans. Going into...
Madi Warner - Seattle
What is one highlight from your experience on your venture?Seeing the generosity of people - there were countless people who gave as much as $7 to $1000 towards my cause. No matter the amount, I got to witness their heart...
Frankye Kootnz - China
What is one highlight from your experience on your venture?I loved knowing that now every time someone looks at their piece, they remember that they bought it for the people in Asia and to pray for them whenever they see...
Natalie Reiton - Kenya
What is one highlight from your experience on your venture?“My highlight was honestly making shoes for this little 6 year old boy that told us he had shin splints. He would run without shoes on the rocks and  gravel. We...